The Young Academy was established by Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 03 of 2019. as a thematic commission and institutional support for the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. Its inaugural session took place on May 16, 2019, with the words of Dr. Enrique Forero, president of the Colombian Academy of Sciences at that time. Dr. Forero commented on the main points that originated the idea, giving examples from several countries, such as Canada, the United States, and Brazil.
The Young Academy was established by Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 03 of 2019. as a thematic commission and institutional support for the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. Its inaugural session took place on May 16, 2019, with the words of Dr. Enrique Forero, president of the Colombian Academy of Sciences at that time. Dr. Forero commented on the main points that originated the idea, giving examples from several countries, such as Canada, the United States, and Brazil.
In this first meeting, a support group was formed with members of the Colombian Academy of Physical and Natural Sciences: Sandra Baena, Corresponding Academic; Esperanza Guerra, Advisor to the Academy; Pablo Abad, Corresponding Member of the Academy; Jairo Roa, Corresponding Member and Dr. Enrique Forero, president at that time.
Subsequently, the orientation of the Young Academy was defined to complement the action spaces of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences to support it in the fulfillment of its missionary work and, based on the dialogue of its members, facilitate the social appropriation of science, design new scientific strategies and open the door to collaborations aimed at generating and developing projects, and supporting new approaches to solving problems of national and international importance.
On June 23, 2021, diplomas and shields were delivered to the members of the Young Academy virtually as a contingency for COVID-19.
In subsequent meetings, the figure of the Young Academy was studied and defined; its focus on four mission lines and committees were built focused on working in each area: Dissemination and promotion of science and technology, interdisciplinary exchange, scientific policy, and insertion in life science. As a result of the work of these committees (working groups), events such as the following were held:
Forums for Insertion into Scientific Life: Held in 2020 and 2021, the Challenges faced by Young Scientists, Science Communication, and Scientific and Personal Life were addressed as main topics.
The members of the Young Academy participated in 2020 and 2021 in working groups to analyze the proposals of La Mision de Sabios, which the national government implemented. Also, the Young Academy scheduled events for the dissemination and analysis of the main results, such as NBIC Convergent Technologies and Industry 4.0, and the National Education Seminar.
Since 2022 and in 2023, the Young Academy has supported the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical,and Natural Sciences, which is the focal point of Latin America in the celebration of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development-IYBSSD22, a celebration of global character sponsored by UNESCO with events organized in the following categories:
Female scientific piqueria: To highlight the role of women in basic sciences, their contributions and contributions to their disciplines and sustainable development.
Open science seminar: To share experiences of practices related to access to science.
Good practices colloquium: To give examples of good practices in basic sciences.
Basic, social, and human sciences: To connect diverse research areas.
Science without borders: To communicate the science that is done in Colombia.
Thanks to the Support of the Colombian Academy of Exact Physical and Natural Sciences and the work of the members of the Young Academy. The International Science Council accepted the Young Academy as a member: .